Section 8

Section 8-Housing Choice Voucher ( HCV) Program

HACY began its operation with funds to assist 200 families under the HCV Section 8 Program. Today, HACY assists 1,451 families. And, HACY administers contracts with approximately 400 local landlords and property owners, working together to provide affordable housing opportunities to persons in need. HACY subsidizes the household rent through a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract with the landlord/owner. The program is administered under an Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD provides ACC funding to enable HACY to structure a lease agreement that sets the program participant's rent at 30% of household income after deductions. The voucher program includes a baseline of traditional HCV's and other special population vouchers for (1) veterans (HUD VASH), (2) youth aging out of foster care (FUP), and (3) persons with serious mental illness (SMI). HACY's program operations budget is approximately $1,000,000 dollars. HUD's rental subsidy portion exceeds approximately $7,000,000 annually.

 2018 Housing Choice Voucher Landlord of the year for Multi-Family and Single Family units. 

Section 8 Income Eligibility:

Apartment Listings:

If you are interested in moving in the near future or are currently moving, please review the homes and units that our landlords have posted on our website.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)


Case Manager Alpha:

Yanira Conder: A-Amao (HCV)

Project Base Voucers ( RAD, Mesa Heighst, Carver Park) 

Ana Rivera: Annne  – Gomez

Jocelyn Fimbres: Gon - Pearce

Marisa Luna: Peb-Z

Irannea Bustillos: All Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Participants 

Brittney Sarabia: Special Vouchers (VASH, FUP & EHV)

Wait List Specialist

Brenda Buenrostro Ext. 121

Oversees all waiting list under the Housing Authority. 

Section 8- Project Base Voucher (PBV) Program

This program subsidizes the rental utilities of a unit in a subsidized development. If the tenant in a Project-Based Unit moves out of the development during the first year of the lease, the tenant's assistance ends. If the tenant moves out of the development during after the first year, the assistance continues and follows the tenant.

HACY Provides 92 units of Project-Based assistance in the following developments:

Trial Estates

Carver Park

Mesa Heights